The project involved creating an illustrative photograph that conveyed a particular mood on an album cover. Palaye Royal’s “Fever Dream” album which was released in 2022 inspired the image. This Canadian punk rock band’s album featured various songs dealing with heartbreak, sorrow, despair, and anger including songs like “Fever Dream,” “Punching Bag,” “Lifeless Stars,” “Paranoid,” “Wasted Sorrow,” “Broken,” “Oblivion,” etc. Many of the songs’ lyrics reflect the pain of loving someone and losing one’s sense of self-worth in the relationship. However, some songs leave listeners hopeful of improving communication in a relationship and rebuilding one’s self-esteem. With flash photography, a red gel filter, and fishing line, the image captures red strings of light projecting into the darkness. This abstract photograph suggests that even though people may experience conflicting emotions and struggle in a relationship, there is hope in the darkness for love to prevail.